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Flight notifications

Getting real time flight notification on your mobile device

Mateusz avatar
Written by Mateusz
Updated over a week ago

Flight update notifications start 48 hours before the flight's departure time. To get flight notifications, ensure notifications are turned on within you phone:
iOS: Settings > Notifications > myCWT > Allow Notifications
Android: To enable flight notifications, tap “Travel Notifications” from the “General” screen of the myCWT app.   

  • Verify the following settings under the “Flight Notification” heading:

  • Notification display: Enabled.

  • Time before flight: Choose number of hours before flight.

  • Notification sound: On.

  • To receive an audio alert, verify that the box next to “Audio flight alert” is checked.

Who supplies the information for the travel alerts?

FlightStats, a leading provider of day-to travel data services to the travel industry and traveling public, supplies all flight-data information for the travel alerts that are pushed to your mobile device. Flight notifications depend on various factors that are not always at hand. We do our best but inaccuracies might occur due to the following reasons:

  • Airlines do not always share their data.

  • Some airlines provide the data on their websites but not to the flight-tracking industry.

  • Some airlines provide limited data that does not include actual departure gate or arrival times.

  • Sometimes, airlines don’t provide the data until near the departure time. 

  • Gates and terminals are not often provided until approximately 60 minutes prior to departure.

We try to improve. If you encounter inaccurate information, please email us and include the following:

  • Airline, flight number and departure date.

  • The information that you expected to see.

  • The information that the app displayed.

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